Tutorial 3. Planning on the Web
There are many challenging planning problems that arise in the context
of gathering and integrating information from the Web. This tutorial
will cover a variety of planning techniques, systems, and applications
that relate to to this general problem. These topics include query
planning, planning for information gathering, interactive planning
using constraint propagation, planning to compose web services, and the
efficient execution of information gathering plans.
Intended Audience
This tutorial will be targeted to theorists and practitioners
interested in understanding the current-state of the art in planning
on the Web. The tutorial will be accessible to anyone with a general
knowledge of AI planning. By the end of the tutorial, the
participants will have a solid grounding in the state of the art and a
familiarity with the current systems for web-based planning.
Presenters Information
Craig Knoblock is a
Senior Project Leader at the Information Sciences Institute and a
Research Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University
of California. His current research interests include information
agents, information integration, automated planning, and machine
learning. He leads the Information Agents Research Group, which is
addressing the problems of building agents for integrating and
managing web-based information sources. He has published over 100
articles, book chapters, and conference papers in planning,
machine learning and information integration, as well as the book
Generating Abstraction Hierarchies: An Automated Approach to
Reducing Search in Planning (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993). He
was program co-chair for AIPS-2000, and also
co-chaired various international workshops on Information
Integration. He is currently on the AAAI Executive Council and is
Treasurer for the International Conference on Automated Planning
and Scheduling. |
José Luis Ambite is a
Senior Research Scientist at the Information Sciences Institute of
the University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. in
Computer Science from the University of Southern California in
1998. His Ph.D. dissertation focused in general plan optimization
techniques based on plan rewriting, which were applied to query
optimization in the SIMS and Ariadne mediator systems as a special
case. His research interests include information integration,
automated planning, databases, and knowledge representation. His
current focus is on automatic web service composition, a problem
that combines aspects of planning and information integration.
Dr. Ambite has published extensively on planning and information
integration. He organized the Workshop on Planning for Web
Services at ICAPS-2003. He has served as program committee member
or reviewer for numerous conferences, including ICAPS, AIPS, and
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 4
Tutorial 5