ICAPS 04 Logo 14Th International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling

Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, June 3-7 2004
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Call for Tutorials
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Planning Competition
Important Dates
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Printable Call

The Tutorial Program has been finalized. Information on the Tutorial Program is available here.

ICAPS 2004 Call for Tutorial Proposals

The Organizing Committee invites tutorial proposals for the 14th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2004). Tutorials will be held on June 3, 2004, immediately prior to the ICAPS workshops and technical sessions, and concurrently with the technical sessions of the 9th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'04) with which ICAPS is co-located. Tutorial registration will be free to ICAPS'04 participants.

We invite proposals for half-day or full day tutorials on automated planning and scheduling, its applications (for instance, space, manufacturing, web, robotics) and topics in related areas such as constraints, control, diagnosis, learning, operations research, search, software engineering. The topics of the tutorials of the last ICAPS conference were timed automata applied to scheduling, practical approaches to handling uncertainty in planning and scheduling, time-bounded and time-critical reasoning, and hands-on introductory model-checking.

The goal of those tutorials in mainstream planning and scheduling should be to provide a comprehensive and in-depth perspective of the state of the art in planning and scheduling research and applications. By not being introductory in nature, the tutorials are intended for researchers and practitioners rather than novices. The emphasis is particularly appropriate given the fact that introductory planning and scheduling material was covered at the PLANET International summer school on AI Planning in June 2003. By contrast, those tutorials in related areas may include more introductory material.

Important dates:
  September 30, 2003: Deadline for proposal submission
  October 14, 2003: Acceptance Notification
  March 16, 2003: Camera-Ready Copy Due

Proposals should be submitted to the tutorial chair by email as ASCII text, and should include a description of the goals of the tutorial and its intended audience, a detailed outline of its contents, and a brief resume of the presenter(s) including information on expertise and prior presentations. Additionally, a summary of the tutorial is needed for advertising purposes (about 100 words).

Sylvie Thiébaux (Sylvie.Thiebaux @ anu.edu.au)
ICAPS 2004 Tutorial Chair

Last modified: Tue Jun 15 08:59:20 Eastern Daylight Time 2004