The International Conference on Automated Planning &
Scheduling (ICAPS) is the result of the merging of the
International Conference on AI Planning and Scheduling
(AIPS) and the
European Conference on Planning
ICAPS 2004 will be the 14th conference in
the series, coming after ICAPS'03, six editions of AIPS and six
editions of ECP.
The main ICAPS conference is accompanied by tutorials, workshops,
software demonstrations, a doctoral consortium, and the international
planning competition. It is co-located with the International
Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
the International Workshop on Description Logics
(DL-2004), and the
International Workshop on Nonmonotic Reasoning (NMRW-2004).
This year, ICAPS especially welcomes
submissions on methodologies that are
important for planning and scheduling (i.e,
graph search, Markov decision processes and
optimization algorithms) and from research
communities that have been underrepresented
at ICAPS in the past. However, in this
context, papers describing basic techniques
that could eventually be used for planning
and scheduling need to clearly articulate
their relevance to planning and scheduling.
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